Justin Bartlett Animal Rescue
10405 Southern Blvd
Royal Palm Beach, Fl 33411
(561) 795-9999
Needs Foster   |  Cats: 18   |  Dogs: 93

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Nash is now Copper and he is so very loved. Not completely housebroken but working on it. Happy we got him.


Neptune is doing great. I have renamed her Sugar because she is mostly white. She is extremely affectionate and playful. I wanted both of those qualities in a kitten and I have it. It started out fostering 3 kittens, which she was one of them. Was hard to give back the other 2 since they were her sister and brother. Wasn't able to afford that many cats. Thanks again for your service. I will recommend you to everyone I meet who may be looking for a family pet.


Hi Kathy, Thank you for the email. Napoleon and I are doing great! He is just the best little boy in the world. He just turned 4 months and has reached 6.3 pounds. I got him exactly a month ago to date and he was 5 lbs at the time so he is doing. He has had a few hiccups along the way. He had over 30 ticks on him the day I adopted him that I had to pull off. He also had giardia and tape worms, but got those taken care of right away. Other than that he is in perfect shape and is in great spirits. He has learned to sit and lay down and knows his name. He loves to give kisses and also loves to play! He is just full of love and I am so lucky to have found him and have him as my fur baby. I can't imagine not having him in my life now. Thank you again for saving him so that I could find him. All the best from Napoleon and myself. Sincerely,


So nice to hear from you to follow up on our wonderful pup....We renamed him Chico..He is absolutely adorable, & are starting to feel that he adopted us!! My husband actually picked him out & Chico seems to know that as my husband is his #1! There are 4 of us in the house & he loves all of us & gives us all attention, even tho when he's tired its always "Daddy's" lap. He's also met out grown children's little dogs & they play very well together. He's a little fearful of people he doesn't know & its takes him a lot of visits before he'll let them pet him...but you can see he wants to be friendly. Happily, he also doesn't do a lot of yipping, which is odd for such a little guy. He sleeps in a crate in our room... he's doing pretty well w/his potty training...he slips up once in awhile but we always feel its our fault. We haven't had a dog in 20 yrs & used to have very big dogs....now that we're retired & really wanted a dog again, we wanted a small one...& he is just perfect for us & our family... We really are grateful to your organization for saving these animals & giving them a 2nd chance..you all do great work. I have also kept in touch w/lovely person Amie, who initially helped us to get to the event where we adopted Chico. She has been very supportive. I would love to send pics but I'm not very technical. Again, thank you for our wonderful pup....we really love him. Regards, Janice Schlosser


She is so lovable and adjusting very well with our routine. Here she is preparing for a walk. She and I are scheduled to start "Puppy Training (aka Mom training)" on Sunday! We love her...thank you for bottle feeding her to make her strong and able to come join our family! We love her so much! Janice Spazante --

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