Justin Bartlett Animal Rescue
10405 Southern Blvd
Royal Palm Beach, Fl 33411
(561) 795-9999
Needs Foster   |  Cats: 18   |  Dogs: 93

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Hello, Our Nala is doing great! We have never had a dog before, and we have been blessed with this little doggy. She is lovable, fun, sweet, and just a joy. She is progressing on her potty training, but is a lot of work. My son has taught her to sit, stay and lay down already!! We just love Nala. Thank you for being in the right place at the right time!! The Chuppe Family


Thank you for your e-mail. We have had “Neptune” for about a month now. Admittedly, we changed his name to HARLEY, which he has taken to quite fondly. The first two weeks had a few minor medical challenges. He came home with fleas, and so our first appointment with Pet Calls addressed them with Nexgard. He also had ear mites, treated with daily ear drops. Shortly thereafter, we noticed tapeworms in his stool, so he was treated with Droncit. In spite of those minor clinical irritants, he has a ferocious appetite, has gained about 3 pounds, and all issues have resolved. Harley has adapted very well to his new home/family. Randi (our 5 year-old female boxer mix) has taken to him very well. She has become rather “motherly;” they now snuggle in a single bed while Roger works during the day. They are best buds and they play with each other (almost to the point of exhaustion). Harley has brought out good things in Randi….Randi shares her toys, her bed, etc. ….and Randi is obviously more active now, and we think she is a bit happier now that she has a playmate. Harley is a very smart puppy; a quick learner. He obeys some basic commands. We continue to crate train him, but he can be out of the crate nearly the entire day (with supervision); we essentially crate him at night and when we cannot supervise him (e.g., when we leave the house). So he is making great progress in housebreaking. It helps that he gets two long walks every day with Randi, and gets to go outside in the backyard another 4+ times/day. We learned quickly that lots of exercise makes a well-behaved puppy. While he is rambunctious and full of energy as any puppy, he is extremely sweet and loving….full of kisses. He can play independently, but loves to follow us around the house and be with us. He is a great joy, and a great addition to our family. Thanks again for all of your help and for thinking of us. Promise to keep in touch.


Heya Kathy Nylo is now named Chachi and he's a sweetheart of a puppy. He gets along great with my cats other dogs and of course people. I am attaching a photo of him. He's so darn cute. Everyone who sees him immediately falls in love with him. Jen San Filippo


Hi Kathy, Good to hear from you. Nugget is doing great. She is growing every day! Should have named her Piglet! We are attending training classes at Petsmart. Hopefully we will both pass... It's been a while since I went to school! I am really enjoying Nugget's companionship. It was lonely without a dog. Can't beat those puppy kisses. She is settling in nicely, loves to be outside, and is well socialized with people and animals. Her foster family really did a great job. Regards to all at Justin Bartlett, keep up the good work. Nancy Burley and Nugget


Kathy- Sorry for the delay in the response. Neena is now Petunia. She is doing amazing and has become a Petrovitch within the first hour of joining the family. She is potty training, with a few accidents here and there. She weighs 8 pounds and is healthy as can be. She loved Christmas and the toys she got. We are so happy she is part of our family. She is the friendliest dog and loves everyone. Below is a pic of the family on Christmas Eve. Have a great new year!!! The Petrovitch's

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