Thank you for following up with us on to see how our little best friend is faring in
his new home. "Toby" has taken on a new identity and is now known as "Pedro". Pedro
has quite a unique and colorful personality and has already found his niche in the
family unit. Pedro is currently being toilet trained and is doing quite well!
Hopefully by month end he will be litter free! Pedro is a true romantic and just
loves to snuggle, generally on your head, neck or face. Pedro also has one very
unique feature in that he "sucks" his thumb (actually it's his knuckle) while he is
purring away and kneading the closest softest available object. Pedro loves to give
kisses and knows the word so be careful when you ask for "besos" as you will end up
with a mouthful of kitty snout. Pedro is one of a kind and we are so very thankful
that he found and rescued us! :)